Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I love mail!


The people aren't upset Miles can't coach.They're upset that a fairly incompetent coach make more in a year than they do in a lifetime.There are quite a few below average to average coaches in the collegiuate ranks.  The people are pissed because while they bust their hump for 25-35k a year, spend a 5th of their salary on ridiculously priced season tickets, and this assclown is netting 4 mil to put out a subpar product. When you make 4 mil, you can't let clocks run out or throw a middle-in with no time left and--suprise suprise--no timeouts left.  He's a bad coach and worth about 60k...max. LSU overpayed, and everyone knows it. That's why they're mad.  And ask yourself what exactly was enjoyable about this season?  Very little.  You talk about the combined points for LSU's 4 losses. What about their wins. [emphasis added by me]

UGA- last second

This season was a waste.  We'll see what happens with season tickets this year.

You keep the faith.

Jealousy! That explains a lot. Here is this guy who makes tons of money that the average person will never make. He makes so much money and therefore he should be held to a higher standard. You know why he gets paid so much? Because “assclowns” (such as yourself? Just kidding, you didn’t leave your name so I have no idea who you are.) pay a ridiculous amount of money to go watch a bunch of 18-22 year olds run around and crash into each other.

My entire point is this: The delusional behavior where fans wrap their OWN self worth into LSU football is understandable on some level but ultimately misguided. I honestly feel sorry for these people whose lives are so empty that firing the head coach of LSU’s football team is the only thing that would get them motivated enough to “write a letter to the editor.” Who is the real dummy? The guy making 4 million a year or the guy who gives his hard earned money to the LSU football program so LSU can spend $20K on gold helmets for a “one time alternate uniform?”

As for this season, was I frustrated at times? Absolutely! Did I get upset about LSU’s struggles? You bet. But I’m a “just win baby!” type of guy. That is all I care about, winning the damn game. When I look at the Troy game last year, I see the greatest comeback in LSU history. When I look at the wins over Arkansas and Georgia this season, fantastic drama!

If you are so unhappy with a 9-4 season, why do you even watch? If you cannot find anything to enjoy about winning 9 games, I ask again, why do you even bother?

I sat through 6 losing seasons from 1989 to 1994. I sat through the entire 58-3 beat down Florida laid on LSU in 1993. I didn’t leave. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. I don’t expect everyone understand the type of pressure and adversity I face on a daily basis which colors my personal perspective of LSU football. But I will never understand nor embrace the irrational negativity or the myopia of LSU fans.

Thanks for reading and responding.


1 comment:

  1. Nancy Trahan9:03 PM

    Well put, Prowler! Especially the part about "assclowns."
