Monday, January 04, 2010

2009 put to bed...

Earlier today I got an e-mail from a friend asking me if I was still on the Les Miles bandwagon. You bet I am. I look for very good things the next two seasons from Miles and the Tigers. I'll tell you why.

1. Jordan Jefferson is one of only six underclassmen that start at QB for teams ranked in the AP Top 25. SIX. The other 19 teams in the Top 25 have junior or senior QB's, many who were redshirted. Furthermore, only TWO of those six had more wins than Jefferson, Kellen Moore at Boise and Terrell Pryor at Ohio State. Moore is actually a redshirt sophomore, meaning he had the benefit of an entire year on campus before he stepped on the field. It never fails to amaze me how fans are unable to appreciate the difficulties for young QB's thrown into the fire and asked to perform immediately. Quick, name me the last QB that played in the SEC Championship in only his second year on campus.

2. LSU will be better on the offensive line. There are a number of younger players that will be given an opportunity and I have faith in Miles and the staff to get this group going in the right direction. A better line means a better running game and less pressure on Jefferson to carry this team as he has been forced to do.

3. LSU's defense will be even better in 2010. The core of the secondary returns intact. Nevis will anchor the line and will benefit from talented younger players emerging. Kelvin Sheppard has morphed into an All-SEC caliber player and will be back next season. With another year of the same defensive staff working together, I expect big things from a defense that ranked 12th in the nation in points allowed in 2009.

4. The conference will be in a transition period next season. Tebow is gone at Florida. Joe Cox at Georgia and Jonathan Crompton at Tennessee are graduating. In the West, MSU, Ole Miss and Auburn will all start new QB's. If Mallet goes pro, the Hogs will also be looking for a new starter at QB.

5. The 2010 schedule will be challenging but manageable. Tennessee, Alabama, Ole Miss and MSU all visit Tiger Stadium. Auburn, Florida, Arkansas and Vandy will be on the road.

6. This year's team is not nearly as bad as the "doom & gloom" clan would lead you to believe. LSU lost four games by a combined 23 points. The four teams LSU lost to are a combined 46-7. With better play on both sides of the ball in 2010, LSU can finish 10-2 with a possible SEC Title or BCS Bowl game birth.

7. Miles will get his mojo back. Despite stumbling the last two season, from a strictly won/loss perspective, Miles has been fantastic. Don't believe me, look HERE. I know half the fan base wants him gone, 30% aren't sure and the rest are still backing him. The funny thing is, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS NEXT YEAR, HALF OF THE PEOPLE WILL STILL WANT MILES GONE.

Former Texas Tech coach, Spike Dykes, was once quoted as saying the following:

" a coach, you lose about 10 percent of your friends every year. And that's in a good year; attrition is proportional to losing.......I never met a coach who didn't do what he thought was best to win every game. You don't win every one, of course, and you make mistakes, too. So, along the way, your personal bandwagon develops more vacancies on an annual basis (taken from the book, Spike Dykes Tales from the Texas Sidelines)."

Which leads me to...

Final observations

*The psychology and mind set of the sports fan in general and the LSU fan in particular fascinates me. While coaches have little or no impact whatsoever on their lives, fans are ready and willing to go on the record that the coach needs to be fired. Meanwhile, their elected politicians are literally raping these same fans at the state capital or in Washington D.C. Does my Senator agree with the health care reform bill which will allow the government to dictate who my doctor is? Who cares! The real question is whether the coach is going to run a pro style offense or the spread. Is my President for or against military tribunals? Irrelevant! What really matters is whether the coach can expertly manage the clock in late game situations.

*I think Oklahoma and USC are great examples this season of what can happen when you don't have experience at the QB position. Stoops and Carroll are very good coaches that were forced to play young QB's and it showed.

*Some of you may have seen THIS ARTICLE in the paper. Just to let you know, all is quiet on the home front, any taunting will result in a 5 diaper change penalty and loss of quiet time.

I like to get a little feedback so send me your predictions for next season. Plus, if you are on the 'Fire Les' bandwagon, send me who you think LSU should get and why.

Thanks so much to everyone who reads. Without you i'm just some dude taking space up on the internet...(feel free to send in snide comments)...see you next time.


  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I agree with you on most of what you said but Miles has not recruited a top QB since he has been with LSU

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    The people aren't upset Miles can't coach.
    They're upset that a fairly incompetent coach make more in a year than they do in a lifetime.
    There are quite a few below average to average coaches in the collegiuate ranks.
    The people are pissed because while they bust their hump for 25-35k a year, spend a 5th of their salary on ridiculously priced season tickets, and this assclown is netting 4 mil to put out a subpar product. When you make 4 mil, you can't let clocks run out or throw a middle-in with no time left and--suprise suprise--no timeouts left.
    He's a bad coach and worth about 60k...max. LSU overpayed, and everyone knows it. That's why they're mad.
    And ask yourself what exactly was enjoyable about this season?
    Very little.
    You talk about the combined points for LSU's 4 losses. What about their wins.
    UGA- last second
    This season was a waste.
    We'll see what happens with season tickets this year.
    You keep the faith.
