Monday, December 08, 2008

Thanksgiving Leftovers

When you score 30 points and have ZERO turnovers in a game against a 4-7 team, you should win with no problems. But this is LSU’s defense we are talking about.

For all the criticism heaped on Jarrett Lee, LSU’s biggest problem has been its atrocious defense. This is the worst defensive group LSU has had since Lou Tepper. It is now up to Miles to get this right and clean house on that side of the ball. In my opinion, Mallory, Peveto and Earl Lane need to get pink slips. The promotion of these guys has blown up on Miles and the only way to SAVE HIMSELF is to bring in new faces.

There are a number of quality defensive coordinators out there including John Chavis from Tennessee, John Tenuta from Notre Dame or Greg Robinson from Syracuse. LSU has the prestige and money to get a top-level guy. In my opinion, if Miles fails to make these changes, he is going to get his own pink slip. He is one of the highest paid coaches in the country at a school that has won two national titles in the past six years. It is clear that LSU can get top players and coaches. The facilities are top notch and the fan base is very supportive.

Let’s be clear. I DO NOT want Miles to get run. I do want him to fix the problem and get LSU back on track. This is easily the biggest challenge Miles has yet to face. From everything I have read, it looks clear that LSU will have a new defensive coordinator. I expect him to be on board soon to begin preparations for Georgia Tech.

A few observations about the alleged LSU fans:

Many LSU fans are stupid. The calls for Miles’ head and the gnashing of teeth have been way over the top. You cannot just dismiss his 34-6 record in his first three years. I agree that 7-5 is unacceptable at this point in LSU’s program. But to FIRE the head coach after one sub-par season is dumb. LSU is going to a bowl game unlike Auburn and Tennessee. Plus, who are you going to get that you can guarantee me will be more successful than Miles? You only make a move when you honestly believe there are candidates that can be MORE successful than who you currently have. Miles has done a very good job recruiting and until this year made all the right moves as to personnel. Admittedly, he looked a little shell-shocked after the Arkansas game. I can only hope that LSU’s awful defensive performance will provoke him to make a move. Fans forget that god…er…Saban had an 8-5 season in 2002, his third year at LSU.

Also with the fans, all the venom towards Saban is dumb. You look like the loser ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend who can’t get over the fact that the relationship is over. Now I root against him, but I hated Bama long before he got there and will do so long after he is gone. Plus for all of Alabama’s success this season, all they have to show for it is an SEC West title and a trip to the Sugar Bowl to face Utah. That is nothing to sneeze at for sure, but also proof that the SEC is a tough and unforgiving league.

Finally, I have to call out an absolute moron who called in to a radio show after the Ole Miss game and said the following: “I got a real bad feeling after the Florida game. I had offers to go to games after that but turned them down. I quit watching because they are so bad.”

OK. I have a few terms for you…Loser, bandwagoner, crybaby, fair weather fan, quitter. For these types I have no love, only disgust. Just to make it clear, when things get tough, we shouldn’t count on you. When we face adversity you will be at home crying in your pillow and calling talk radio shows. But when things get better you will be right there in the front row cheering. Don’t bother. LSU will have plenty of real fans at that point.

Geaux Tigers. FOREVER LSU.

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