Wednesday, September 18, 2013

3 Things

1. is for all the fans that love to see crash at a NASCAR race or witness a guy do a face plant at the X Games.

2. While the Bama v. A&M was entertaining, it has proven to be the exception to the norm this season. We are one quarter of the way done with the campaign and only have 2 games, Clemson v. UGA and Bama v. A&M, that we would put in the 2013 time capsule. Through 3 weeks we have had a grand total of 5 matchups between Top 25 teams. This week is no better with only one game, Stanford v. ASU, pitting ranked teams against each other. No wonder attendance is down nationally.

3. How things change from one week to the next!! I'm drinking the Tiger Kool-Aid until they prove me wrong!

BCS Bowls

Rose: Stanford v. Ohio State
Orange: Michigan v. Clemson
Fiesta: Oklahoma v. Louisville
Sugar: Alabama v. Florida State
National Title: LSU v. Oregon

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