Monday, October 22, 2012

Grinding Out Wins

This was a game that was equal parts frustrating and exciting. Texas A&M outplayed LSU for 25 minutes in the first half then turned the ball over twice in the last five minutes giving LSU life and a two point half time lead. The defense shook off a slow start and kept “Johnny Football” in the pocket for most of the game limiting his explosiveness. For all the defense did to keep LSU in the game, it was also the defense that kept trying to give it back. Multiple penalties including multiple off-sides, a facemask, pass interference and an IDIOTIC late hit by Eric Reid kept A&M drives alive. Bottom line, LSU won in spite of itself. This team is so talented they can get away with poor coaching and stupid decisions against most opponents. That doesn’t make it any less frustrating as fan.

*All three TD plays came from 20+ yards out, avoiding LSU’s own personal Bermuda Triangle, aka the red zone. Ford continued to prove his value outrunning the A&M defense for the first TD finishing the day with a 7.1 yard average on 11 carries. Hill is turning into LSU’s offensive MVP with another 100 yard rushing game and a critical 47 yard TD score to seal the victory late in the fourth quarter.

* The receivers continued to improve in holding on to the ball. Kadrone Boone’s TD catch was fantastic.

* Mettenberger is regressing. Does that sound familiar? He was terribly inaccurate and missed a number of guys on deep throws. I wonder if the coaches are messing with his head like they did with Lee and Jefferson. He may be so terrified of throwing a pick that he is hesitant to throw unless the receiver is absolutely open. That should also sound familiar. The other explanation is that Mett just isn’t very good. Good coaching is putting players in a positing to be successful; this staff is not doing that in the passing game.

* This is four years now that LSU has been unable to develop an effective passing game. Lee did well to start last season but Miles insisted on shoving Jefferson back into the lineup to the ultimate detriment to the 2011 team. Look at these numbers on SEC passing yards per game rankings: 2009 – 9th; 2010 – 12th; 2011 – 10th; 2012 – 12th. Nationally it looks even worse: 2009 – 97th; 2010 – 107th; 2011 – 106th; 2012 – 112th. I understand we are a “running team,” but given all the resources and talent at our disposal, these numbers are just atrocious. I emailed a very well known local sports writer about why the “big media” hasn’t challenged Miles on this. All I got was the company line about players being injured or not executing. Someone should publicly ask these hard questions:

Is it poor recruiting?
Is it poor player development?
Is it poor play calling and game planning?
Is it a meddling head coach?

I’m not down on this team, far from it. I’m just tired of the same problems year after year. I’m not calling for anyone to lose their job, I just want the LSU Football program to shake things up and see if we can get better results. I know, how much better can we be than 7-1? I’m looking long term. If you were an elite QB or WR, would you come to LSU? If your son was a talented player at those positions, could you honestly tell them that LSU offers them the best opportunity to develop as a football player?

* Defense was awesome after it woke up but stupid down the stretch. Hopefully Chavis gives them an earful this week.

* This team is very interesting from a mental standpoint. It’s obvious they play hard and refuse to get down or hang their heads. Terms like tough, gritty, patient and perseverance all come to mind when describing this team. These are all invaluable mental and emotional traits that are essential to winning. But other less flattering terms, such as undisciplined, careless and unfocused could be used as well.

With the off week, the Tigers get a much needed chance to rest. We will see if the coaching staff puts the time to good use, unlike the last time we prepared to play Alabama.

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