Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Play for Pay

Recently, a BCS conference commissioner openly discussed the idea of adding a stipend to the scholarships now offered in college football. Steve Spurrier has even offered to pay from his own pocket. These ideas are nothing new. The idea of play for pay in college has been kicked around for years. What the idea needs is to be kicked to the curb.

The play for pay guys will tell you that these “poor student athletes” are making millions of dollars for their schools yet are not being compensated appropriately. Why should State U get all this cash when the players only get a lousy tuition and room and board scholarship? Plus the players are getting paid under the table, so lets put all above board and stop the hypocrisy and the cheating.

In my mind, all of the reasoning above is total bunk. I will be posting my thoughts in three parts over the next few days.

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