Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mixed thoughts on Miles

Dennis Dodd's thoughts about Les

Bleacher Report article on Miles

You have to look at the source when reading these articles.  The writer in the Bleacher Report refers to the SEC as the "South Eastern Conference."  Are you kidding?  Some guy who doesn't know that the proper name of the SEC is the Southeastern Conference is going to then state that Miles is gone after 8-4?  I notice he failed to mention the $14-$15 million buy out.  Who is going to pay that?

Furthermore, Burton says, "in typical Les Miles fashion, he may continue to lose one he shouldn't..."  Miles has been at LSU for five years, outside of the loss to Arkansas in 2008, where are these "typical losses?" Please readers, tell me where LSU was heavily favored and lost a game the experts picked them to win.

I accept that Miles has his short comings and they cost LSU the Ole Miss game.  I also accept that some people want Miles gone, even if he were to win the SEC Title.  I just think any discussion should be based on facts and reality, not some wild notion that LSU is one of the elites of college football where anything less than 10 wins a year is a failure.  LSU has NEVER been that school and with the SEC as deep as it is, may NEVER be that school in the future.


  1. Well said, although a hint of negativity (or is that realism) has crept into the tone. Miles cannot be fired. If the AD really doesn't like Miles, he should be looking for "cause" to save the $10+ million. The interesting thing is that all the pundits still unanimously think he's a grade A recruiter. When will people realize that recruiting is idiot-proof at LSU so long as the team remains respectable?

  2. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Give him a D or D- on recuriting QB's, Maybe recuriting isn't so idiot-proof after all
