Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Rich Rod's Speech Writer...

If I had the privilege to write Rich Rodriquez’s statement regarding the allegations of violating the NCAA’s workout rules:
“I want to start out by saying that this staff knows the rules regarding work outs and we follow the rules. End of story. Anyone who says different is flat out wrong. This team went 3-9 last season. We haven’t beaten Ohio State since 2003. Our players need to understand the importance of hard work. Is there peer pressure amongst our players to go above and beyond what the coaches require? Absolutely. You think players from the top teams around the country are content with working out within NCAA rules and then calling it a day? Of course not. These players are self motivated and take responsibility for their own success.

I will tell you the same thing I told my players when I heard about this garbage. If you don’t want to be a Michigan Man, there is the door! I’ll release you from your commitment in a heartbeat. I am sick of guys around here treating this place like a country club. All the whinning and bitching makes me sick.  You know why so many players have left since we got here? They weren’t committed to winning. They were not committed to taking responsibility upon themselves to be winners.

I don’t get these malcontents in our locker room attacking the integrity of the Michigan program. All they are doing is hurting their teammates and the Michigan program by anonymously spreading these lies. I am sure these are players who are frustrated because they are being out worked by their team mates. They aren’t where they think they should be on the depth chart.  They think that since they have been here for a few years they are entitled to a starting spot. Instead of responding to the challenge and examples set by the leaders on this team, they would rather go to the media under cover of anonymity and spread lies to poison this program.

(Lower voice and give a steely glare) A true Michigan Man stands up to be counted…a true Michigan Man stands up to adversity.

Michigan is a great school and the Michigan Football program was great long before I got here or any of these players got here. It will continue to be an elite program long after I am gone as well. But I will be damned if I don’t do everything in my power to maintain the history of excellence of the Wolverines and the integrity this program is renowned for! (Pound on podium at this point)

I’m sick of this crap and all the negativity surrounding this program. We didn’t do anything wrong. And I’m not answering any questions regarding this bullshit; I have a game to prepare for.” (Walk off stage)


  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    You also needed to add something like: "If you wanna be a loser, go play up the road in East Lansing."

    Go Green, baby.

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    maybe he was emotional because he's been caught.
