Sunday, August 03, 2008

A Few Random Off Season Thoughts

While sitting at home battling a stomach bug acquired from my oldest son, I had a chance to catch the season premier of ESPN’s College Football Live. Not to be petty, but during the opening highlights of the show, the defending National Champions appeared only ONCE for a grand total of half a second. On top of that, LSU was only mentioned once, during a segment on…Ohio State. Furthermore, ESPN has an on-line voting bracket for the “best college helmet.” LSU did not even make it into the contest. (click here)

Here is a nice composite of the preseason polls.

The three biggest things I look at in the preseason are schedule, returning offensive and defensive linemen and quarterback, in that order. I don’t think it is any mystery why LSU has won the SEC West in every odd numbered year since 2001.

You have got to wonder how long JoePa will be around. Things are looking pretty ugly. (click here)

With every new arrest and suspension, I’m wondering more and more about Georgia’s chances this season. (click here)

I think the Olympics should be divided into to two categories, Natural Humans and Chemically Enhanced Superhumans. That way if you want to use HGH or Roids or whatever, have at it. If you want to stay clean, you can compete in the group with the non-juiced athletes. As it is now, I’m more curious about who gets busted than who wins.

I am SOOOOOO sick of the slobbering over Brett Favre. ESPN was WAY over the top in the coverage.

I like Ohio State and Oklahoma in the BCS title game. I think the Buckeyes will win at USC and Oklahoma is going to lose only one game at most. Georgia's schedule is too tough and USC will lose one other game.

Some readers have expressed to me their doubts about Georgia in the SEC East. I understand the hesitancy, but Florida's defense wasn't very good last year and with Florida TE Ingram gone for the season with a torn ACL, all the pressure goes back to Tebow and Percy Harvin.

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