Wednesday, August 25, 2004

So Now What????

So now what?

Are we going to have to wait another 45 years for the next National Championship?

What is the over/under on the number of games LSU loses before some fans start calling for Saban to be fired?

How many games will go by before we hear, “I really didn’t appreciate Matt Mauck till he was gone”?

Anyone starting to think this “new” piggyback BCS model is worse than the old bowl system?

Bush or Kerry?

Will Mack Brown’s job be on the line when the Longhorns meet Oklahoma on October 9?

What crappy Big Least team will end up in the BCS mix?

Is there really a Liberal Media Bias?

Who is going to lose first, USC or LSU?

Who is going to be the next “soldier” going to “war” for this “U?”

Anyone ever use the term “C---” (rhymes with “bunt”) as a term of endearment? (Click here if that one went over your head. Yes, this is a SPORTS related!)

What institution of higher education is going on probation next?

Is ESPN’s SportsCenter turning into the WWE of sporting news shows?

Kirsten Dunst or Mira Sorvino?

Where have all the stud running backs gone?

Who are the best LSU quarterbacks over the past 25 years?

Why do the plastic screws on my toilet seat keep breaking?

All are great questions, questions that the Hit Parade will be tackling all season long.

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